A French press, more popularly known as a cafetière. This coffee brewing device was patented by Italian designer Attilio Calimani in 1929. Brewing coffee with a cafetière, also known as a French press, is a classic and straightforward method that delivers a rich, full-bodied cup of coffee. Whether you’re a coffee aficionado or new to brewing, this guide will walk you through the process to ensure you get the best results every time.
Start by boiling fresh water in your kettle. Once boiled, allow the water to cool slightly to reach the ideal brewing temperature of around 90-96°C.
Preheat your cafetière by filling it with some of the hot water. This helps maintain the brewing temperature. After a minute, discard the water.
Place the appropriate amount of your favourite Penningtons cafetière ground coffee into the preheated cafetière.
Start your timer and pour hot water over the coffee grounds. Pour slowly and evenly to ensure all the grounds are saturated. Fill the cafetière up to the desired level.
Give the coffee a gentle stir with a non-metal utensil to break up the crust of grounds that forms on the surface.
Place the lid on the cafetière with the plunger pulled all the way up. Allow the coffee to steep for 4 minutes.
After 4 minutes, slowly and evenly press the plunger down with gentle pressure. If you encounter resistance, stop, pull the plunger back slightly, and try again. This helps avoid disturbing the grounds, preventing over-extraction and bitterness.
Once the plunger is fully pressed down, your coffee is ready to serve. Pour it into your favourite mug and enjoy immediately. For the best taste, avoid letting the coffee sit in the cafetière, as it will continue to extract and can become bitter.
£8.75 – £12.25
£23.00 – £33.50
£9.50 – £33.00