What is an AeroPress?

Posted by Gina Pennington on

Coffee enthusiasts are always on the lookout for the perfect brewing method, and the AeroPress has become a favorite among many for its simplicity, versatility, and ability to produce a rich, flavourful cup of coffee. 

What is an AeroPress?

The AeroPress is a coffee brewing device invented by Alan Adler in 2005. It’s known for its innovative design and ability to make a smooth, espresso-like coffee without the need for expensive equipment. The AeroPress combines elements of immersion brewing and pressure, resulting in a unique coffee-making process.

Key Features of the AeroPress:

  • Portability: Lightweight and compact, making it ideal for travel or camping.
  • Versatility: Allows for a variety of brewing techniques and coffee strengths.
  • Easy to Clean: Quick and simple to disassemble and clean after use.

How Does the AeroPress Work?

The AeroPress consists of two main parts: a cylindrical chamber and a plunger with an airtight silicone seal. Coffee grounds and hot water are mixed together in the chamber, and then pressure is applied with the plunger, forcing the brewed coffee through a paper filter at the bottom. Buy yours here Aeropress Coffee Maker | Penningtons Coffee – Penningtons Tea & Coffee

How to Use an AeroPress: Step-by-Step Guide

Equipment and Ingredients:

  • AeroPress coffee maker
  • AeroPress paper filter
  • Freshly ground coffee (medium-fine grind)
  • Hot water (175°F to 205°F or 80°C to 96°C)
  • Stirrer
  • Timer
  • Mug or cup
Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Assemble the AeroPress:

  • Place a paper filter in the filter cap and attach it to the bottom of the AeroPress chamber.
  • Rinse the filter and cap with hot water to remove any paper taste and preheat the chamber.

2. Add Coffee Grounds:

  • Measure and add 14 to 18 grams (1 to 2 tablespoons) of coffee grounds to the AeroPress chamber. Adjust the amount based on your taste preference.

3. Add Hot Water:

  • Start your timer and pour hot water over the coffee grounds, filling the chamber up to the number 4 mark. The water temperature should be between 175°F and 205°F (80°C to 96°C).

4. Stir the Mixture:

  • Use the stirrer to gently stir the coffee and water mixture for about 10 seconds, ensuring all the grounds are saturated.

5. Plunge the Coffee:

  • After stirring, insert the plunger into the chamber and apply gentle, steady pressure to push the plunger down. This should take about 20 to 30 seconds. The brewed coffee will be forced through the filter and into your mug.

6. Serve and Enjoy:

  • Once you’ve plunged all the coffee, remove the AeroPress and enjoy your freshly brewed cup. You can add milk, cream, or sweeteners to taste.

7. Clean Up:

  • Unscrew the filter cap and push the plunger to eject the coffee puck and filter into the trash or compost. Rinse the AeroPress parts with water for easy cleanup.

Tips for Brewing with an AeroPress

  • Experiment with Grind Size: A medium-fine grind is recommended, but feel free to adjust based on your taste preference. Finer grinds may result in a stronger, richer coffee, while coarser grinds can produce a lighter cup.

  • Adjust Brewing Time: The AeroPress allows for flexibility in brewing time. Experiment with different steeping times to find the perfect balance for your taste.

  • Use Fresh Coffee: For the best flavour, use freshly roasted and ground coffee beans.

  • Inverted Method: Some users prefer the inverted method, where the AeroPress is assembled upside down during brewing to allow for longer steeping and more control over extraction.


The AeroPress is a versatile and user-friendly coffee maker that allows you to brew a delicious cup of coffee with ease. Its compact design, portability, and affordability make it a popular choice among coffee lovers around the world. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can enjoy a rich and flavourful coffee experience right at home or on the go.

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